Domainating: Brands, Art & Content


Life, Such As It Is, At My Place…

A lot has happened in the past year and a half. I was working a part-time job at Kohl’s and hoping that after a year or so I would be able to get a good review and try to transfer into a graphic designer position. But, then I hurt myself at work. I tripped over a set of rolling apparel racks called z-rails. I didn’t even fall down, but immediately after that (and not until then) my hip started making a popping noise that was extremely alarming.

I made the report of the injury with my supervisor and went to the doctor right after my overnight shift was over, making an appointment with my doctor for later that day. He thought it was a rupture or a hernia, so I took a week off to heal and then went back to work. But the hip popping sound never stopped, every pop or click was a violent shock to my system, and the pain never ceased. In fact, the pain got worse, much worse. After 6 months and nothing was sticking out, ruptured or herniated, I went back to the Doc and he sent me to an orthopedic specialist.

I suppose I should note that during these 6 months I was unloading trucks. Not an easy feat with a clickity-click hip. But I worked through hoping something would burst and I would get the treatment I needed.

Dr. Kaylo diagnosed me with a disjointed labrum, put me through some tests, gave me an injection that didn’t produce any results and was ready to schedule an orthoscopic operation on my hip way back in February when Sedgewick Claims Management Services started screwing everything up on purpose with all kinds of delays making me get a second opinion with another orthopedic surgeon, which well took over a month for them to schedule, and over a month for them to finally get back to me.

All the time we were doing this, Sedgewick CMS was trying desperately to talk me out of getting the operation. I had to wait for them to get paperwork that they had clearly been briefed on properly over the phone by the physician’s staff, I had to wait for them to look it over, I had to wait for them to send me documents, I had to wait for sedgewick to get its head out of its butt. It has been sickening how obviously they have maneuvered and delayed this operation so that when I am recovering they won’t have to pay me much as my employer cut everyone’s hours. So now that I haven’t been making anything worthwhile since January because of the seasonal nature of retail, and because Kohl’s has deliberately cut the hours of all available overnight staff by hiring way too many people way too early in the season, my average rate of pay has taken a huge downward spiral.

I can’t do anything about it, either. No one will hire me at any other job until I am healthy again and this situation is resolved. I can’t even transfer to another position in the company because I need to be healthy in order to make a move to Wisconsin (or New York), where that position would be. Hell, I can’t even work my business anymore because of the pain I have been in.

Finally, there are no more excuses from Sedgwick CMS. They have to give me the operation. I go under the knife on the 28th, finally, after 17 months of pain.

In the meantime my wife looks at me as if I am worthless because I can’t do anything or even make a decent living wage. If she has any feelings for me it is pity, but her love for me is long gone, as she had always refused to communicate with me.

So, maybe I can put this hip crap behind me soon, get better, get a divorce, and get out of this miserable life in my God forsaken home. I have always hated this place. I just can’t wait to start a new life somewhere else.

August 19, 2013 Posted by | The Human Condition | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment